TTA Time
10h58m Saturday 27 July

How To Play

In order to start playing you must first create an account to play with. Go to the REGISTER link and fill in the appropiate fields with the correct information and submit. (Note: Do not try and use HTML in your name as it will be stripped down to characters and you will not be able to log in.) After you are able to LOGIN to your account the first thing you need to do in order to play games is to Get A New Deck.
This will give you some random cards to begin playing.

Select the My Account option from the menu on the left side and click on it. Move onto the New Starter Deck link and scroll down the page some...you will see a bar with the "Get A New Deck Text" on it. This is placed farther down the page to prevent accidental redecking.
You will recieve 20 random cards from levels 1-4 to start with. If you do not like what you get you may redeck as many times as you want until you are satisfied. If you go to My Cards you will see the cards you recieved in the card lists which will be highlighted in green.

In order to play a game you have two options here... You can create your own game or you can view games and take one that has already been made by another player. Both the "Create Game" and "View Games" links are located in the left menu after login. You can also "Watch Games" in which you may watch other triple triad games in progress.

Create Game: Here you can create a game to be played by using the appropiate boxes to make the game information. Please keep in mind what cards and card levels you have when creating a game.
For an explanation of Game Rules go HERE.

View Games: Here you can take a game that already been created by another player. Before taking someones game please check the rules that were created and you know what type of game you are joining keeping in mind what cards you have. For an explanation of Game Rules go HERE.

You obtain points for playing games and aquire new and higher cards through playing or by buying cards with your points from the TTA card shop or other players.

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